Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Few Other Things That Really Annoy Me

  1. Alarm clock
  2. Newspaper
  3. Kilometrico pens
  4. School uniforms with crappy necktie
  5. Correction liquid
  6. My closet
  7. Toilet rolls
  8. Bedtime
  9. Waking up in the morning
  10. Strangers
  11. Windows Vista
  12. Mouse
  13. My old and torn-up boxers
  14. Add Maths and the most 'honored' ancient mathematicians
  15. Commercials and advertisements on TV
  16. Pop-up windows
  17. Public toilets
  18. Bohsias and bohjans
  19. Fat lady wearing thighs
  20. Low battery
  21. Shampoos that make less bubbles
  22. Bikes vrooming as loud as hellhound
  23. Pondans or should I say trannies
  24. Extremely-hard-to-read short forms
  25. Some prefects a.k.a. teacher's pet
  26. Houseflies and mosquitoes (just brutally killed 3 houseflies with a thick roll of newspaper)
  27. Laundries
  28. Myspace
  29. Motorola
  30. Astro remote control
And some others lost wandering in my brain...

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