Sunday, May 30, 2010

Once Upon A Time...

The greatest and happiest moments of my life was my childhood days. Hanging out with all my cousins in my eyes is not only like a tradition but also a must especially on any important events that occasionally involves the whole family for a reunion/gathering.

They would come back to my grandma's house every single weekend that actually gives us a golden chance to spend our time as little innocent kids.

I still remember how they used to come on every Saturday, along with his Gundam and Megaman toys to play with and his sister would run to the second floor texting her friends. Pokemon was once like a trend to us and we would plead our auntie to buy some Pokemon toys at the nearby market for 1 buck each. We would arrange all the Pokemon according to their positions in the Pokemon Beckett book. We love to play 'Imagine', an imaginative game, how we pretend ourselves as a hero and nemesis in our very own storyline.On Sundays, we would set up a kiddie inflatable swimming pool and we would jump on it, splashing water at one another or sometimes our aunt would be the victim. Watching Spice Girls VCD and singing Westlife songs in the car.

As we got older, we spend less time together as he would have to go to tuition and get ready for his exam and his sister going to work. But still, we try to spend our time by go to the mamak stalls grabbing our late night supper of Maggi goreng with roti canai and drinking mamak-styled iced coffee and teh tarik.

Now, she got married and will be having a baby of her own. I know when someone got married, he or she would be extremely excited and stuff, but still I could sense she's somehow not really happy as she should be. Instead of being like "My closest family member is getting married! WOOHOO! I'm so happy for her!", everyone were like "Ohhh.... She's getting married. Anyway, that day I saw this bag and lipstick and this and that blah blah blah...."

Flashing back all this just reminds me how the world is moving, the Earth still spinning in its way, the time has gone by just like that, and how we've grown up so lighting-fast.

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